- Homesickness of red fire 红火蚁乡愁
- A Slow Journey 缓慢的征程
- Tale:Shield and Ants 寓言:盾与蚁
- The Cocoon Of Belief 观音巢
- Echoes from muddy water 浊水中的呼喊
- Digestive Tract Of God 神的消化道
- Monument 碑
- He Family Ancestral Hall 何氏宗祠
- With the wind 飘
- Regulars and Passersby 常客与过客
- Tides in Liangshi Town 练市潮汐
- Freezing frequency 凝固的频率
- Flowering period 花期
- Birds,village,sandbar 鸟翼下的村庄
- …
- Homesickness of red fire 红火蚁乡愁
- A Slow Journey 缓慢的征程
- Tale:Shield and Ants 寓言:盾与蚁
- The Cocoon Of Belief 观音巢
- Echoes from muddy water 浊水中的呼喊
- Digestive Tract Of God 神的消化道
- Monument 碑
- He Family Ancestral Hall 何氏宗祠
- With the wind 飘
- Regulars and Passersby 常客与过客
- Tides in Liangshi Town 练市潮汐
- Freezing frequency 凝固的频率
- Flowering period 花期
- Birds,village,sandbar 鸟翼下的村庄
- Homesickness of red fire 红火蚁乡愁
- A Slow Journey 缓慢的征程
- Tale:Shield and Ants 寓言:盾与蚁
- The Cocoon Of Belief 观音巢
- Echoes from muddy water 浊水中的呼喊
- Digestive Tract Of God 神的消化道
- Monument 碑
- He Family Ancestral Hall 何氏宗祠
- With the wind 飘
- Regulars and Passersby 常客与过客
- Tides in Liangshi Town 练市潮汐
- Freezing frequency 凝固的频率
- Flowering period 花期
- Birds,village,sandbar 鸟翼下的村庄
- …
- Homesickness of red fire 红火蚁乡愁
- A Slow Journey 缓慢的征程
- Tale:Shield and Ants 寓言:盾与蚁
- The Cocoon Of Belief 观音巢
- Echoes from muddy water 浊水中的呼喊
- Digestive Tract Of God 神的消化道
- Monument 碑
- He Family Ancestral Hall 何氏宗祠
- With the wind 飘
- Regulars and Passersby 常客与过客
- Tides in Liangshi Town 练市潮汐
- Freezing frequency 凝固的频率
- Flowering period 花期
- Birds,village,sandbar 鸟翼下的村庄
Liu Shuai is an artist and an insect researcher engaged in biodiversity conservation. He looks back and previews the relationships between the land, weather, human, and non-human life from the perspective of natural objects such as insects, birds, fish, plants, sand and stones, letting the subtle tingles and shimmers of them emerge.He utilizes installation, sound, video, and folkloric techniques to intertwine the laws of nature, biological habits, and human emotions and history. Through this, he narrates the constancy and impermanence of both nature and the human world. Liu Shuai has long been concerned with the connections between local and distant places brought about by phenomena such as the invasion of alien species, the pet trade, and human wars.
Member of the Entomological Society of China
China academy of art, China, 2019(MA)
2024 Sailor program · art, One way street foundation&Georg Jensen
2024 Bio Art & Design Award
2023 Prince Claus Seed Award
2022 Supported by the Goethe-Institut's project: Local Knowledge and Diversified Ecological PerceptionSolo exhibitions / project
2022 Insect Footprints, Human Traces, Goethe-Institut China, Beijing,China
2022 Nomadism and Imagination·7th art book in China:When animals pass through the homeland of human, Tianmuli, Hangzhou, China
2020 Tunnel: Clockwise sound of water, Random Play, Hangzhou,China
Main group exhibitions
Home Away from Home, Larnaca, CyprusHushiguang,Seeing Birds,Longyou, China
See Animal See Me, Pidan gallery, Shanghai, China
The 9th Bi-city Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture (UABB), Shenzhen, China2021
Blue Cables in Venetian Watercourse-online residency show, PSA, Shanghai, China2020
Clustering And Resonance,Art Museum Of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, Chongqing, China
Leming Expo - An annual exchange of agriculture and art ,Yuan Museum, Guangzhou, China
New Species-Heredity&Variation ,Sichuan Provincial Library, Chengdu, China
刘 帅
刘帅2019年硕士毕业于中国美术学院,中国昆虫学会会员,曾任教于四川美术学院。刘帅获得燃冉青年艺术家扶持计划 “锐意探索奖”(2024),荷兰生物艺术 & 设计奖(2024),入选单向街基金会·水手计划(2024),获得克劳斯亲王基金会种子奖(2023),获得歌德学院“地方知识与多元化生态感知”项目资助(2022)。
近期主要个人项目包括“昆虫·家”(德国文化中心·歌德学院,北京,2022),“abC 游牧与想象:动物乡愁”(天目里,杭州,2022)“顺时针的水声”(Random Play,杭州,2020);群展包括“家外之家”(拉纳卡,塞浦路斯,2023),“动物看见了吗”(Pidan gallery,上海,2023),第九届深港城市建筑双年展-“看见最初500米”(深圳,2022)等。